Next week fall starts in DC. With it, for my life coaching clients often comes a sense of new beginnings and unmatched possibility. Children go back to school, big kids go off to college and the federal fiscal year comes to a close. As a DC life coach, I am always inspired this time of year. You can read my previous posts on the life coach blog about the energy of letting go, and new beginnings that often accompanies fall. I trust they will inspire you:
- Back to School: The Other New Year
- Light Up Your Life: What Schoolchildren Can Teach Us
- Life Coaching for Stress Management: Perform Your Best this Fall
In July, I invited my readers to participate in my first ever “replenish yourself” summer challenge. Many of my life coaching clients tell me they “need a vacation,” but end up not taking one.

As a life coaching challenge, I invited you to consider that what might not be convenient for family, clients or boss might be essential for you. Setting boundaries for self-care and time off looks different for different people. I wanted to hear what you are doing!
After poring through many submissions, the team at Catharine Ecton Life Coaching unanimously chose Pam’s story as the winner.
Pam told us that her biggest “energy erasers” right now are the challenges that come with downsizing. Happily, she and her husband had the opportunity to go to the beach and “unplug” from it all this summer!
Congratulations, Pam! You have won one complimentary life coaching session with me for you or a friend. Thank you for your wonderful story, and for allowing us to use it on the blog. |
Are you living a life of “have-to’s”? If so, you might find your life becomes a bit dull and predictable.
Everything in life is a choice, even on vacation. A life of “have-to’s” creates stress, feelings of being overwhelmed and discontent. The adventure is in swapping out our “have-to’s” with “want-to’s.” Instead of constantly living your life reacting to the world around you, set your intention and choose the life you want. Make it your work of art.
Need an ally in this work? Living an authentic life means being clear on who we are: our values, intentions, objectives and commitments. It’s having the courage to be imperfect. Learning to be more authentic can lead to increased happiness and feelings of self-worth, but it can be difficult if you go it alone. I help my life coaching clients get clear on how they want to show up in life, and keep them accountable so they can execute on creating the life they’ve always wanted. If you’d like to work on living a more authentic life, I am accepting a short list of new clients now. We’ll chart the processes you need to tune into that still, small voice of your values and intuition, and approach authenticity with intention. Let’s explore how you can have what you want and live with more ease, freedom, joy and meaningful connection to those around you.
Contact me for a complimentary, no-obligations life coaching consultation. Or use the Appointment Scheduler and pick a time that works for you. I coach 90% of my clients over the phone, and my DC-based Life Coaching clients have the option of meeting with me in person. I look forward to hearing from you.
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